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luxury deer hunts

If your interested in a once in a lifetime guided whitetail and red stag hunt, you're at the right place. I have recently branched out and partnered with a high fence ranch located in Brownwood Texas. 




 We offer trophy whitetail and trophy red stag. You will need to be there the day before the hunt. Lodging will be included. 2 day maxium hunt if not succesful the first day. After the animal is shot we will take it to lonestar to gut the animal, you will need to make your own arrangments on mounting and processing. Call me for more information, I would love to share a blind with you!


class 1- 130 -150

pricing- 3,200.00

Class 2 - 155 -170

Pricing - 5,000.00

Class 3 - 175 -190

Pricing - 7,500.00

Class 4 - 195 - 200

Pricing - 10,000.00

Class 5 - 225 and up

Pricing - 15,000.00

Red stag - 8,000.00


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